Certificate based IPSEC VPN in SRX
Here I will share how I have connected two SRX boxes via IPSEC VPN by using
certificate authentication instead of pre-shared key. Here is the outline;
1) Create certificate authority in Linux
2) Create CA profile on SRX
3) Generate Certificate Request
4) Sign the certificate
5) Load the certificates
6) Configure IPSEC/VPN
7) Verification
1) Create certificate authority in Linux
I assume you have already openssl installed in your Linux host.
a) Create necessary directories for CA
#mkdir -p /etc/pki_srx/CA1/{private,certs,newcerts,crl}
b) Prepare SSL config
#cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf /etc/pki_srx/CA1/openssl.srx.cnf #chmod 600 /etc/pki_srx/CA1/openssl.srx.cnf #touch /etc/pki_srx/CA1/index.txt #echo '01' > /etc/pki_srx/CA1/serial
c) Create CA certificate and private key
#cd /etc/pki_srx/CA1/ #openssl req -config openssl.srx.cnf -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout private/ca.key -out certs/ca.crt -days 1500
d) Edit openssl.srx.cnf file
[ CA_default ] dir = . # <-----CHANGE THIS certs = $dir/certs crl_dir = $dir/crl database = $dir/index.txt #unique_subject = no new_certs_dir = $dir/newcerts certificate = $dir/certs/ca.crt # <------CHANGE THIS serial = $dir/serial crlnumber = $dir/crlnumber crl = $dir/crl.pem private_key = $dir/private/ca.key # <------CHANGE THIS RANDFILE = $dir/private/.rand
2) Create a CA profile on SRX
All operations are done on host J24 and differences for J41 HUB device will be mentioned at the end of the post.
J24# set security pki ca-profile srx-ca ca-identity example.com J24# set security pki ca-profile srx-ca revocation-check disable J24# set security pki ca-profile srx-ca administrator email-address admin@example.com
3) Generate Certificate Request
a) Generate public/private key pair
root@J24> request security pki generate-key-pair certificate-id srx-j24-id size 1024 Generated key pair srx-j24-id, key size 1024 bits
b) Generate cert request from this pair
J24>request security pki generate-certificate-request certificate-id srx-j24-id subject "CN=Mr. Admin,OU=SRX Dept,C=NL" domain-name j24.example.com filename srx-j24-req Generated certificate request -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIBoTCCAQoCAQAwNDESMBAGA1UEAxMJTXIuIEFkbWluMREwDwYDVQQLEwhTUlgg RGVwdDELMAkGA1UEBhMCTkwwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBALuf atlt5FlvnUHX+6XtHIyKMoDPh9K6gUlNPb4ZIAnNU1kPknDl/h6l17fPiqyUT+v6 eKNMcx0RyKShiDV3mtomJNFJf+wuvdZWHzXOtWnbujrAOJRHTCdSWTFOE4OANbPV s6uL5cBemQoPM/iuX/t7zHb6qdeZZGV8NNdVcs4HAgMBAAGgLTArBgkqhkiG9w0B CQ4xHjAcMBoGA1UdEQQTMBGCD2oyNC5leGFtcGxlLmNvbTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUF AAOBgQCUAFZPxzTjDZNpaWl7gI0PoWVFeNUkeJAjxnNwEvtLpAhJ2OmV9JPYxfPN kqCvPuqMX2MK/TrsWu9SaPt8mO6XvtxY9PAd8SjlrcJgWOr4rVZZm2cV+BsLu3yd zxAwkTbEOCgaKV3F6vnOhdRnVu3/AZ65UjTj0ffkrNW6ZPQtCA== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- Fingerprint: 8b:6f:05:90:e1:61:bf:c0:04:c4:cc:32:be:c4:f9:97:e5:56:1d:18 (sha1) ea:ed:f3:80:22:c7:2e:c1:68:20:79:29:6d:73:54:35 (md5)
Certificate request file is saved under : /cf/var/db/certs/common/certificate-request/srx-j24-id.req
Be careful domain-name j24.example.com is important. It will be used as the IKE-ID
4) Sign the certificate
a) Create a file named ext.cfg under /etc/pki_srx/CA1 with the following content
j24.example.com is our IKE-ID
b) Sign the certificate
#cd /etc/pki_srx/CA1/ #openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -sha1 -CA certs/ca.crt -CAkey private/ca.key -CAserial serial -CAcreateserial -in srx-j24-id.req -out certs/srx-j24.crt -extfile ext.cfg
c) Copy certs/srx-j24.crt and certs/ca.crt to the SRX box via scp to your srx user's folder.
5) Load the certificate
a) Load local certificate
root@J24> request security pki local-certificate load certificate-id srx-j24-id filename srx-j24.crt Local certificate loaded successfully
b) Load CA certificate
root@J24> request security pki ca-certificate load ca-profile srx-ca filename ca.crt Fingerprint: d6:df:54:23:4d:50:7c:3d:fa:bc:ca:09:f6:44:9b:4a:bc:d3:c9:4b (sha1) b1:4f:87:82:bc:27:e8:a4:12:9a:59:1f:c8:2a:3f:36 (md5) Do you want to load this CA certificate ? [yes,no] (no) yes CA certificate for profile srx-ca loaded successfully
So far we have finished the SPOKE side of the certificate loading. Very same operations
must be done for the HUB as well but on this time we will use IP address as the IKE-ID.
Here are two differences;
Note: If you want to use hostname as IKE-ID, you need to use the local-identity in the configuration. (See the comments for a discussion)
1) Certificate request creation
J41>request security pki generate-certificate-request certificate-id srx-j41-id subject "CN=Mr. Admin,OU=SRX Dept,C=NL" ip-address filename srx-j41-req
Notice: instead of domain-name we specify IP of J41 device
2) ext.cfg file for certificate should be like below instead of hostname
6) Configure IPSEC/VPN
The only difference in configuration is phase1 (IKE). IPSEC config is the same as usual.
That is why I don't even write them here.
[edit] root@J24# show security ike proposal prop-basic { authentication-method rsa-signatures; dh-group group2; encryption-algorithm 3des-cbc; lifetime-seconds 3600; } policy pol-cert { mode main; proposals prop-basic; certificate { local-certificate srx-j24-id; } } gateway gw-j41-hub { ike-policy pol-cert; address; local-identity hostname j24.example.com; external-interface ge-0/0/0.0; }
J41 (HUB)
[edit security] root@J41-Amsterdam# show ike proposal prop-cert { authentication-method rsa-signatures; dh-group group2; encryption-algorithm 3des-cbc; lifetime-seconds 3600; } policy pol-cert { mode main; proposals prop-cert; certificate { local-certificate srx-j41-id; } } gateway gw-j24 { ike-policy pol-cert; dynamic hostname j24.example.com; external-interface ge-0/0/0.65; }
7) Verification
root@J24> show security ike sa detail IKE peer, Index 1757680, Gateway Name: gw-j41-hub Role: Initiator, State: UP Initiator cookie: 25471da9b36bc685, Responder cookie: eb9395af529b5419 Exchange type: Main, Authentication method: RSA-signatures Local:, Remote: Lifetime: Expires in 3003 seconds Peer ike-id: Xauth assigned IP: Algorithms: Authentication : hmac-sha1-96 Encryption : 3des-cbc Pseudo random function: hmac-sha1 Diffie-Hellman group : DH-group-2 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 1641 Output bytes : 1869 Input packets: 4 Output packets: 5 Flags: IKE SA is created IPSec security associations: 1 created, 0 deleted Phase 2 negotiations in progress: 0 Negotiation type: Quick mode, Role: Initiator, Message ID: 0 Local:, Remote: Local identity: j24.example.com Remote identity: Flags: IKE SA is created
As you can see authentication method is RSA-signatures.
root@J24> show security ipsec sa detail ID: 131073 Virtual-system: root, VPN Name: gw-j41-hub-cert Local Gateway:, Remote Gateway: Local Identity: ipv4_subnet(any:0,[0..7]= Remote Identity: ipv4_subnet(any:0,[0..7]= Version: IKEv1 DF-bit: clear Bind-interface: st0.0 Port: 500, Nego#: 1, Fail#: 0, Def-Del#: 0 Flag: 0x600a29 Last Tunnel Down Reason: SA not initiated Direction: inbound, SPI: 104d10aa, AUX-SPI: 0 , VPN Monitoring: - Hard lifetime: Expires in 2927 seconds Lifesize Remaining: Unlimited Soft lifetime: Expires in 2305 seconds Mode: Tunnel(0 0), Type: dynamic, State: installed Protocol: ESP, Authentication: hmac-sha1-96, Encryption: 3des-cbc Anti-replay service: counter-based enabled, Replay window size: 64 Direction: outbound, SPI: a08d3472, AUX-SPI: 0 , VPN Monitoring: - Hard lifetime: Expires in 2927 seconds Lifesize Remaining: Unlimited Soft lifetime: Expires in 2305 seconds Mode: Tunnel(0 0), Type: dynamic, State: installed Protocol: ESP, Authentication: hmac-sha1-96, Encryption: 3des-cbc Anti-replay service: counter-based enabled, Replay window size: 64
This manual is awful.
1. Why do i need a Linux host?
2. Why do I have to create CSR and keys on SRX host and what should I do with them on linux host?
Linux is an example, if you can use Windows CA as the host. You have to create CSR to get your certificate. Lastly, this isn’t a manual but it is a summary of how we
can create Cert VPN on SRX. In order to understand this topic, you also need some background knowledge.
I don’t see you have copied locally generated certificate in CA ? you manually did alternate name and signed it. will this work?
I didn’t type the command but only mentioned scp to the device only. If you mean that. So you need to copy to the device.
just completed tested this right at this moment. Been a lot helpfull. thanks alot mate.
Wonderful article!!! I was planning to write a blog on certificate based VPN on SRX. But after reading your blog I left out the idea and decided to promote this blog!!!
Thank you for the feedback. I am glad that it helped.
I have this up and running in our testlab and in production thanks to your page! But just one question: Does the Hub have to be IP based? Meaning, why can’t the spokes connect to the hub using a fqdn if the hub certificate is created that way? I know all the juniper docs say to use an IP, but doesn’t the rest of the world use fqdn’s?
Hi Robert,
As the document is two years old, I don’t recall exactly why I wrote that. There is a good document at https://kb.juniper.net/kb/documents/public/junos/jsrx/JSeries_SRXSeries_IPSecVPN_with_PKI_Certificates_Primer_v13.pdf but there seems to be an issue to download. If you can find it, it can help you better understand. I think during my tests FQDN didn’t work but for some reason I didn’t mention this. Shame on me:) It should be a lesson for me.
Best Regards
I believe that link is now: https://kb.juniper.net/library/CUSTOMERSERVICE/technotes/3500181-EN.PDF
According to the docs it appears to be possible, but I can’t figure it out yet. I’ll be posting it to the forums and calling juniper this weekend.
Thanx for the reply!
I Finally got the domain-name based hub config working. The trick was setting ‘local-identity hostname’ on the Hub!
Thanks for the feedback Robert. I have put a note on the case referring to the discussion here too.